Friday, June 24, 2011

Baby Girl Taylor

"It's a girl."

When the ultrasound technician made her pronouncement, her wand on my lower left belly, baby girl bits on bright display on the overhead screen, I think my heart stopped a beat. A girl. I'm having a daughter. I didn't realize I was holding my breath until I felt Jeff's hand gently cup the top of my head, softly pressing down until I reached up, our hands squeezed together, that silent communication between two people of joy and excitement and the utter wonder of it all. I exhaled and reminded myself to breathe, and then said a silent hello to this little girl, this unknown daughter, this future bright light, and I was filled with such intense gratitude for this wonderful little she-creature curled up inside of me, lost in the business of growing and stretching and tossing and turning, unaware and unconcerned and already so very loved.

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