Friday, July 07, 2006

Weekend Away

Well, we're off to the cabin today. Admittedly, it is also Jeff's mom and dad's place, but it sounds so much cooler when I just call it the cabin. I am a little horrified by the idea of getting into a swimsuit, but I'm just going to hope for the best and try to stay out of the lense of the camera, if it should happen to appear. I am determined to shake a few pounds before we leave for Europe, although I'll probably gain them right back gorging myself on bread and wine and cheese. Oh well, such is the way of life. I'm looking forward to a weekend of canoeing, boating, and hiking, and then it's home to watch the World Cup on Tivo. I'm not even sure who I'm rooting for, but I'm leaning towards France. It would be ideal to get home in time to watch the game at Brit's or The Local downtown, but if the weather is nice I have a feeling we'll be at the Glendalough State Park instead, or out on the lake. Summer days in Minnesota are too few to squander.

With that being said, I hope that Mikki enjoys her alone time at the house, and isn't too neurotic when we get home. Such a social critter, a day without people and she enters this strange little place in her head where she has been ABANDONED and LEFT FOR GOOD and she MUST EAT EVERY MORSEL OF FOOD and then barf it up on the carpet because obviously THEY ARE NEVER COMING HOME. At least that is what I can deduce from the remains of any time that we leave her alone for more than, oh, about four hours. Which kind of pisses me off, because she's a cat, and one of the bonuses of having a cat is supposed to be that they're not as high maintenance as a dog. Thank god I found her a home for when we're in Europe, I think 16 days with only a cat sitter in the afternoons would be too much for her, and she would surely have some sort of kitty mental meltdown.

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